Welcome To Real Rock News

So, what’s it all about? I chose the name “Real Rock News” because it accurately reflects the kind of music-related news and information I will make available here. With each generation comes new variations on popular music. Although I don’t advocate denying anyone’s right to listen to the music they prefer, in some ways, I feel that the current direction of popular music favors crowding out some of the music I listened to and loved as I was growing up, and indeed, still listen to and love today.

I’ve decided to use the name “Real Rock News” since the focus of this site is on music I consider “real” rock music. This, of course, is my personal opinion and it is not my intention to denigrate music that other people consider rock music even if I don’t agree with that assessment. My purpose is to help preserve the rock music that I value the most, not to start a debate over what “real” rock music is or is not.

To put it simply, the title “Real Rock News” was not selected to fuel debate about “real” rock music. I realize that everyone will have their own opinion and I don’t wish to waste time with pointless debates on that particular subject.

Okay, so just what is “real” rock music?

That’s a very good question! As someone who grew up listening to the music of the 1970’s and 1980’s, that is really the era that spawned the music that I consider great. I suppose in addition to my “real” rock classification of this music, it is also considered “classic” rock by many. But to be a bit more specific, some of my all-time favorites include Rush, Yes, Kansas, Supertramp and Heart.

Other music from that time that I enjoy includes selections from Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Boston, Foreigner, Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles and Max Webster (yeah, I know, a lot of people have never heard of that last one, but they were one hell of a band) to name just a few.

This is the kind of music that I consider “real” rock music, and the music that will be the primary focus of this site. That’s not to say I won’t wander off the path from time to time and talk about music that might not be considered rock music, but that will be rare.

That’s what makes this site different. Most of the other sites out there that cover music news are going to hit you with the latest news on “50 Cent” or Brittany Spears or a bunch of other artists (a term that does not always apply!) that a classic rock fan like myself does not gave a rat’s rear end about.

I welcome input from visitors, so feel free to use the contact page to pass along any comments or suggestions you might have regarding the site in general. As long as it is not on the subject of what “real” rock music is or isn’t! 🙂