Alex Lifeson Talks With Sound & Vision Magazine
A recent interview with Alex Lifeson appears in the February, 2006 issue of Sound & Vision Magazine.
In the interview, conducted by Mike Mettler, Lifeson talks about the techniques used to record the live performance for the Rush R30 DVD and how the recording gave him a feeling for what it might be like to be in the audience at a Rush concert.
He is obviously very pleased with the R30 live footage and I have to say I cannot blame him. As I have mentioned before, I am not a big fan of live recordings. I enjoy seeing my favorite artists perform, but the live sound is always a turn off for me. This R30 performance, although certainly not studio quality, is one of the best live recordings I have ever heard.
It’s not clear if the interview that appears on the Sound & Vision web site is the complete interview or just an excerpt of what appears in the printed version of the magazine.