Asia Seeking Video Talent For New Music Video
— July 29, 2008 0 16It had been more than 25 years since Asia released a new album, but the veteran British foursome released Phoenix back in April. Recorded by all four original members of the group, Phoenix is said to be a return to the classic Asia sound with some surprising contemporary twists.
The album’s release was followed-up with a U.S. tour that ran through April and into early May, and they are now looking for someone to help with a music video that is set to accompany the track from their new album that seems to be the track that has most impressed the band members themselves.
“An Extraordinary Life is among the best tracks we’ve ever recorded, and I believe could go on to be another Asia classic,” says John Wetton, the group’s lead vocalist and bass player.
“An Extraordinary Life” has been selected as the track that will be made into a music video with a lot of help from the winner of the “Asia Extraordinary Life Interactive Video Contest.”
Fans can use photo recaps of their life, CGI graphics, or even family snapshots. It’s a unique opportunity to for some lucky fan to make their mark and create Asia’s new official video at the same time.
For the full details of the contest, check out the official website.
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