Axeman Slash Teams With U.K. Classical Quartet For Zeppelin Cover


Leave it to Simon Cowell of American Idol fame to come up with an idea that puts former Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash in the studio with Escala, a group of four female musicians who are described as an electric string quartet. Although not as well known here in the U.S., Escala rose to fame in the U.K. after appearing on Britain’s Got Talent, a TV show where Cowell also occupies a spot on the panel of judges.

Cowell and Slash reportedly encountered one another at Elton John’s Oscar party and hit it off immediately. Cowell is said to have been quite impressed with Slash and thought he was “incredible.” When offered the chance to work with Escala, Slash agreed without hesitation.

Cowell was in search of someone to work with Escala that might be a little out of the ordinary, and Slash certainly fits the bill when you envision him playing with an all-female classical quartet.

The unlikely group is set to convene in a Los Angeles recording studio to work up a version of the Led Zeppelin classic “Kashimr.” The track will be featured on Escala’s debut album, which is scheduled for a May release on Simon Cowell’s SyCo label.

I’m not sure if Slash even knew who Escala was when he was approached by Simon Cowell at Elton John’s L.A. bash and asked to team up with the glamorous foursome for some studio work, but either way, it’s hard to see it as a bad decision on his part.

1 thought on “Axeman Slash Teams With U.K. Classical Quartet For Zeppelin Cover

  1. Britain’s Got Talent finalists Escala marked the start of Red Cross Appeal Week on their social networking channels – including Twitter, Facebook and their website – reaching nearly 150,000 people. In the run up to the charity’s annual fundraising week, the glamorous string quartet encouraged supporters to fundraise as they toured the UK in a publicity tour. Escala have now visited Red Cross projects in London, Glasgow, Birmingham and Newcastle, as well as taking part in a first aid training course.

    Red Cross Appeal Week is the British Red Cross’ annual fundraising week, held over the week of 8 May, the anniversary of the birth of Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross Movement.

    Across the UK, people have been collecting money in their local area or organising fundraising events with friends or colleagues. As recent British Red Cross supporters, Escala are looking forward to getting more involved with the charity and supporting further fundraising events.

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