Bon Jovi Drummer’s Talent Extends Beyond Music

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Although Tico Torres may not be a name that comes to mind when thinking about the very best rock drummers, I think he can safely be considered a solid performer who holds his own very well with his band mates in Bon Jovi.

What many people may not know about Torres is that he has talents tico-torres that he enjoys as more of a solo artist as well. And when I say artist, I do mean artist.

I was a little surprised to learn that Tico Torres enjoys painting and sculpting and from the looks of his work, I’d say he’s quite good at it.

Saying he has been working in those mediums since he was 5 years old, Torres shifted his interests a little when he was about 12 and decided to get into music. An activity that was more “cool” among his peers at the time.

Some of his work will be on display through April 7 at the Walnut Street Gallery in Fort Collins, Colorado. Bon Jovi is scheduled to perform at the Pepsi Center in Denver on Monday.

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