
Perhaps the boys from Bon Jovi are beginning to wonder if someone has put a curse on them or something. In addition to the $14 billion lawsuit that was filed by a Boston-based songwriter who claims the group violated the copyright on a song he had written in honor of his hometown baseball team, the Boston Red Sox, the Jersey rockers are now facing a lawsuit over a nasty incident that is alleged to have occurred in the U.K. in 2006.

Although the $14 billion suit may not be something that they are losing too much sleep over due to the nature of copyright law, and how difficult it can be to prove a violation, the new lawsuit has another legal team nipping at Bon Jovi’s heals as the result of an alleged incident that appears to be a bit more cut-and-dry.bon-jovi

This time, the lawsuit is centered not around something that a member of the group actually did, but what one of their employees is said to have done while with the group on tour in the U.K.

Sally Allen, a security supervisor at Milton Keynes’ National Bowl claims that a member of the Bon Jovi entourage ran her down with a golf cart. Allen is claiming that she suffered a broken knee and ligament damage, in addition to serious internal injuries and had to spend almost a week in the hospital.

The $400,000 lawsuit has been filed against the group over the alleged incident which involved Bon Jovi staff member Kevin McDonnell, who, according to Allen, was operating a golf cart, and demanded that he be granted access to the VIP area of the venue. After ordering Allen out of the way, she claims that McDonnell referred to her in less-than-flattering terms and proceeded to run her right leg over with the golf cart.

Allen’s suit is aimed at the four members of the group and their company, and is claiming “for trespass to the person and negligence.”

For their part, Bon Jovi "strenuously" deny her accusations.

Depending on whose telling the truth here, Ms. Allen might consider playing the lottery is she has any interest in a safer way to collect large amount of cash. Either that, or there’s at least one Bon Jovi staff member that could probably benefit from some anger management training.

Check out the full details at NME.

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