CD Review: Styx’s "Crash of the Crown"
Story & Photo by Scott A. Smith It was a lifetime ago when Styx broke their temporary studio dry spell...
Story & Photo by Scott A. Smith It was a lifetime ago when Styx broke their temporary studio dry spell...
Photos & Story by Scott A. SmithEach year, a frantic touring schedule of nearly 200 gigs threatens to zap the...
Photos and Story by Scott A. SmithCool-breeze melodies and some of the most gripping guitar solos and riffs in all...
Photos and Story by Scott A. Smith Armed with loud guitars and aim-to-please set lists, Styx, REO Speedwagon and Ted...
As the Sun begins to banish the bitter winter chill and eat away at the snow here in the northeast,...
Hoping to compete for the attention of classic rock fans this summer, three well-known groups are teaming up for what...