Classic Rock Briefs For November 17, 2008

Soaring With The Eagles
In a recent e-mail interview with Don Henley of the Eagles, The Enquirer of Cincinnati asked the veteran country rocker about such matters as his activities during the recent Presidential campaign. Unlike the celebrities that were making news with very public support of their chosen candidates, Henley took a different approach.
“I was quite active in this campaign, but I focused my efforts more on various bids for House and Senate seats. And I didn’t do any of that work in front of cameras. I kept it relatively low-key and private. That’s what felt right to me this time,” Henley said.
There was also discussion about the band’s long history and included questions regarding how the band chose their name, why they decided to reunite and the price of tickets to their shows.
Bon Jovi plans Busy 2009
According to Richie Sambora’s recent comments while talking with Billboard, the New Jersey rock group has plans for a new greatest hits album, as well as work that remains to finish up on a documentary that is being made about the group, and a live DVD from their Lost Highway tour.
Although the new album is being talked about as a “greatest hits” compilation, Sambora says that there will likely be some new content included as well.
“…I think we’re looking at doing a greatest hits album next year. Jon and I are writing some new songs for it and to just load up for the next Bon Jovi record,” Sambora reports.
As for Sambora’s thoughts on the group’s eligibility to be inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame, he certainly seems to appreciate the opportunity.
“Time flies man, but yeah there’s talk and rumors. Boy that would be nice. It’s something certainly I’ve been shooting for all my life. I think if you have a career in the music business, you want to get inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, he says.