New Interview With Heart’s Nancy Wilson


A recent interview with Nancy Wilson of Heart began with the topic of politics. Probably something that a lot of us have heard enough of for a while, but Wilson seemed willing to talk about the well-publicized flap regarding the McCain campaign’s use of Heart’s hit song “Barracuda” when asked.

Although at the time there seemed to be some uncertainly about whether they had the right to use the song at a campaign event, Wilson admits that “…it’s in the rule books they’re allowed to do that. We just thought we’d have our say because it’s America and we can do that here.”

She also makes the point that they (not sure if she meant herself and sister Ann or the entire group) are well-read and keep abreast of important issues that relate to the country. “…we’re not your average doofus entertainers,” she adds.

There is also talk of the group’s evolution through the years, and how they have embraced different styles and Nancy Wilson eventually realized that what they really needed to do was to “get back to the basics and remember why we wanted to pay music in the first place after the ’80s.”

One of the more interesting things Wilson mentioned was that they are now working on a new album of all original material which, she says, they plan to take their time on and do some touring as well. No word on whether they’ll go down the Wal-Mart route, although that would seem an unlikely choice for the Wilson sisters. She did add that they will be trying to figure out how to market the new album digitally.

When asked why Led Zeppelin has not been in touch with sister Ann Wilson as a possible stand-in for Robert Plant, Wilson replies, “It might be too challenging for the boys’ club. There’s a sailor scene, the old-fashioned idea that the women are bad luck for the ship.”

Heart is well-known for their fondness for covering Led Zeppelin tunes and Wilson admits that it’s the Led Zeppelin covers that remain stuck in her head after a performance.

The good news for Heart fans is that there seems to be no sign that they are thinking about calling it quits, and are instead continuing to make plans for the future.

Read the entire interview at

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