A Few Words With Steely Dan’s Walter Becker

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Rolling Stone Magazine recently conjured up some questions for Walter Becker which shed some light on the creative process that gave birth to his latest album. There’s also some talk about his future plans and how Steely Dan fits in.

 circus-monkey Becker’s new album, Circus Money, is expected to be released in June and according to Rolling Stone, is just as compelling as his debut solo album, 11 Tracks of Whack, which is described as "an album that boasts tracks that stand up to his best work in Steely Dan…"

One unique aspect of this new project that is unlike a typical Steely Dan project is that Becker mostly stuck with the same musicians for the entire album. Steely Dan veterans Keith Carlock (drums), Jon Herington (guitar) and Ted Baker (keyboards) all contribute to Becker’s latest.

One thing Becker makes quite clear is that the new albums was heavily influenced by Jamaican grooves from the 1960’s and 1970’s which have fascinated Becker since he first heard them. When asked about specific Jamaican music that has influenced him, Becker mentions ska and Rocksteady, among other genres from that part of the world.

When asked about the possibility of another Walter Becker show, Becker does not seem willing to commit and mentions that his plans with Donald Fagan for an up-coming Steely Dan tour, which will occupy a big chunk of his time and energy. He certainly does not close the door to the possibility of a future Becker show, however.

For the full story and a chance to hear a track from the new album called "Somebody’s Saturday Night," check out Rolling Stone.

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