Deep Purple Plans New Studio Album Next Year


Forty years of rocking their fans live and recording 18 studio albums is an impressive accomplishment for classic rockers Deep Purple, and apparently, they are not quite finished yet.

The group plans to record their 19th studio album sometime next year, as lead singer Ian Gillan reported recently while on tour with the groupdeep-purple in South America.

Among other things, Gillan talked about the 2005 CD Rapture of The Deep, the treatment the group receives from radio stations today, how the band manages to stay together, their current sound, their 1972 album Machine Head and performing with opera legend Luciano Pavarotti.

Regarding the groups future plans, Gillan says that their current three-year tour will wrap up towards the end of the year, which will give them a little time off before they return to the studio and begin work on the new album.

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