Rumor Mill Churns Out Hint For ‘Big Reformation’ Next Year


Speaking recently with BBC News, concert promoter Rob Hallett has hinted that a big name group from the 1970’s will reform next year. Hallett, who has some pretty impressive credentials when it comes to coaxing performers back into the spotlight, refused to provide any details other than the following clue:

“If you were a teenage boy in the pre-punk ’70s you’re going to be very excited. The announcement of that isn’t a million miles away. Outside of Led Zeppelin, this is probably the biggest reformation you can hope for.”

This has, of course, aroused the curiosity of many a classic rock fan and speculation about which group it is runs the gamut from Black Sabbath to ELO. We’ll keep our ear to the ground for any leaks that might materialize before the official announcement is made.

Your can read more at Contact Music and the BBC.

4 thoughts on “Rumor Mill Churns Out Hint For ‘Big Reformation’ Next Year

  1. The Faces minus Ronnie Lane? We’ll I guess they technically did that when Ronnie and the band parted ways and they replaced him with Tetsu Yamauchi in 1973, but I think I’d go to see them if/when they tour the States, but only if the came to the Cleveland area. The questions are, “Will Ronnie stay sober enough to complete a tour?” and “Will Rod’s voice hold-up from singing Faces tunes night after night?”

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