Rush To Be Honored With ‘Legends of Live’ Award


I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m a Rush nerd. I’ve been admiring those three Canadians since the late 70’s, and I must admit that it’s nice to see them getting some well-deserved recognition these days.

To many Rush fans, the group has been kind of a “secret best band in the world” for a long time. It’s not only fans that recognize the amazing talent that melded together to form Rush.

With the release of the acclaimed documentary Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage, that showcased the lives and careers of the group’s members, we heard from some other well-known rockers whose respect for Rush was quite obvious. Gene Simmons was asked about his opinion of the group and replied by saying, “What kind of band is Rush? It’s…Rush.”

Granted, without seeing the video of Simmons, it’s hard to be sure what he means, but having seen it myself, there’s no doubt that it was a compliment.

Soon Rush will be honored again, this time by having Billboard’s “Legend of Live” awarded to them. As described by Billboard, the award, “is given to the artist or band who have distinguished themselves on the stage by making significant contributions to live music.”

The award will be presented on November 4th as part of the “2010 Billboard Touring Awards” event.

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