Classic Rock Briefs For Thursday, October 16, 2008


Recording Engineer Jay Messina Talks About The Early Days of Working With Aerosmith

This is the kind of stuff that might be more interesting to audio geeks than to the typical Aerosmith fan, but who knows? Some fans may find this kind of history interesting. It gets rather technical, something that’s sure to please the hard-core audio crowd, and perhaps the nostalgia may even bring a tear or two to their eye. Full Story.

Meat Loaf Back on Track For Florida Performances

After exhibiting some rather strange behavior at an awards ceremony in the U.K. recently, it appears that “The Meat” is back in shape after a short stay in the hospital. Vertigo and a some medication he was taking for a torn retina are being blamed for his recent bout with odd behavior and an apparent lack to navigate at the London event. Full Story.

Def Leppard’s Joe Elliot Angers Some Hockey Fans By Violating Stanley Cup Etiquette

I’m not sure there actually is any official etiquette having to do with the National Hockey League’s beloved Stanley Cup, but if there is, I’m guessing Joe Elliott violated it the other night.Stanley Cup Upside-Down

Def Leppard was performing just prior to the Detroit Red Wings and the Toronto Maple Leafs game in Detroit. This all has to do with some deal that was cooked up to involve the NHL and the British rockers called “Face-Off Rocks,” and at some point Elliott picked up the Stanley Cup trophy and then set it back down. Upside-down.

Many hockey fans are a bit ticked off over this, and knowing how seriously they take their hockey up over the border in Canada, I have to wonder if they’ll ever let the group enter their country again!

Seriously, though, I think it’s understandable that a British guy might make such a mistake. Elliott says he takes full responsibility for the mistake, but also points out that “Like most of my fellow Brits, I’d never seen it (Stanley Cup) before until it was handed to me sideways, by which time I had a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Whoops." Full Story.

Ron Wood’s Wife May Not Let Go Without A Fight

Although there were reports that Ron Wood’s wife Jo had met with her attorneys recently, that may not mean that she has given up on her marriage quite yet.

Today, the word is that Jo intends to fight to save her marriage.

“I don’t want to divorce Ronnie but I don’t know if he’ll come back. I really don’t know what is happening at the moment. I haven’t spoken to him about it," she is reported to have said. Full Story.

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