‘Melissa Roxford’ Is At It Again (Another AC/DC Hoax)


Our favorite hoaxer is at it once again. The individual going by the name “Melissa Roxford” is sending out e-mail messages regarding AC/DC. This time, the claim is that drummer Phil Rudd is leaving the group.

For entertainment purposes, here’s the latest from “Melissa.”


From:    Melissa Roxford [sonymusic_epic@yahoo.com]
Sent:    Monday, January 26, 2009 3:14 PM
To: [List of addressees removed]
Subject:    A Message From AC/DC

Dear AC/DC listeners,
Angus Young, Malcolm Young, Brian Johnson and Cliff Williams are sad to announce that after
the final date of AC/DC’s current North American tour they are going to part ways with
drummer Phill Rudd due to his lack of time and motivation for this type of music.

Good news are that AC/DC’s upcoming European Tour will still go ahead as planned with good
friend Chris Slade taking over drums duties.

More information will be provided as soon as AC/DC finishes their current North American

AC/DC’s European Tour will kick off in Oslo, NO on Feb 18, 2009.

Be patient.

Melissa Roxford, sonymusic customer service management.


Since I get legitimate e-mail messages from the folks at Sony periodically, I know they do not use Yahoo! e-mail addresses. You didn’t think we’d fall for this again did you, “Melissa?”

“Melissa” also did a nice favor for all the recipients of this e-mail messages by neglecting to use BCC or “Blind Carbon Copy,” and as a result, each recipient also saw every other address it was sent to. “Melissa” is either too stupid to use BCC or simply does not care – or maybe both.

I can see that the e-mail was sent to some high-profile people such as Alice Cooper’s show (if that is in fact the correct e-mail for Cooper), as well as quite a few radio stations.

Nice try, “Melissa,” but I think most everyone is onto you now, so to speak.

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