Ron Wood In Hot Water With New Girlfriend


No sooner did we hear that Rolling Stones guitarist Ron Wood seemed to be on the right track, it now appears that Wood may have a ways to go before he is able to win his battle with the bottle.

A recent report alleges that Wood took a shot or two to the head courtesy of his new girlfriend, Brazilian beauty Ana Araujo. Araujo reportedly caught Wood tipping the bottle and flew off the handle, leaving Wood nursing a black eye and other assorted facial bruises.

In addition to the physical pummeling, Wood saw two of his prized paintings destroyed by the enraged Araujo. Wood had hoped to sell the paintings. Not that the guy needs the money, but it probably is personally satisfying to an artist to know that there are people who are willing to pay to own their creations.

Wood’s new girlfriend had been helping him stay sober, and she was obviously quite distraught when she caught him drinking. There was no word of any attempt on Wood’s part to defend himself from the assault. Araujo appears to be a fairly petite young lady, but perhaps Wood simply felt that he deserved what he had coming to him.

It’s also possible that he may have been too inebriated to put up an effective defense against the enraged 30-year-old.

The physical altercation was said to have taken place after Wood directed a flow of nasty comments and name-calling at Araujo when she confronted him about this latest fall from the wagon.

Wood was said to have called ex-wife Jo later that same day, but did not receive the sympathy that he may had been hoping for, essentially telling him that she was tired of his nonsense, and that he had become “a sad old man.”

As reported earlier, Wood was ecstatic about his new relationship with Araujo and was even said to be considering marriage. It seems fairly certain, however, that he’s unlikely to be tying the knot unless he can finally win his long-time battle with alcohol abuse.

2 thoughts on “Ron Wood In Hot Water With New Girlfriend

  1. please wake up ronnie.ana claudia araujo is nothin but a famous prostitute in italy and swiss and aroud europe for more than 8years my self paid her 400euros hour in a sex club in lugano,we have to protect ronnie from people like this.if you dont belive conntact me i have lots of people who confirm this information

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