Hall of Fame Petition Drive For Yes


I’ve definitely got a soft spot in my heart for Yes, one of my favorite progressive groups of the 1960’s and 1970’s, so I wanted to help make other Yes fans aware of this effort.

Although I have not been able to find much detail regarding this, I did imagereceive an e-mail message informing me that a Philadelphia talk show host has started an online petition to promote the induction of Yes into  the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

For me, the album that stands out was Fragile, which the group released in 1972. At the time, I had not previously heard anything quite like it and was amazed by the musicianship that was represented on that album and have been a Yes fan ever since.

Currently, some members of the group are still touring on their own or with other groups. However, there are some rumors around that claim a Yes tour is being considered and other rumors that claim it is a reality and will happen this summer. We shall see.

In the meantime, if you are a fan who believes that Yes belongs in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, you may want to head on over and sign the petition.

2 thoughts on “Hall of Fame Petition Drive For Yes

  1. They should induct YES in the Rock N Roll hall of Fame already, There were so many guys in Yes, I lost track but they all should go in under YES, Steve

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