South Park Honors Heart (Actually, Kansas)


Well, that’s the way I’d like to think of it. Since I love both Heart and South Park, that’s the way I hope it plays out.

Word is that South Park boys Stan and Kyle are hooked on the popular Guitar Hero video game and are able to conquer the hit Heart song “Barracuda.”image

Having just returned from their harrowing journey into Imagination Land, I am surprised the boys have the energy to play video games. (Sorry, can’t help myself.)

At any rate, I hope the Wilson Sisters have a sense of humor about stuff like this and are able to enjoy the attention from the creators of the animated series.

I know it’s short notice, but the episode in question airs tonight on Comedy Central at 10:00 p.m. EST. If you have your DVR or Tivo set up to record the show as I do, you’ll be all set.

Update: As it turns out, the South Park episode in question did not include any Heart music at all. However, the Kansas hit “Carry On Wayward Son” was featured prominently, and since Kansas is another one of my favorites, I was happy to see it featured. 

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