A New Direction For Real Rock News
I admit this site has been through more changes than it probably should have endured since I first brought it online. Since my last post was back in August, it is obvious to my visitors that I have not been adding a lot of content.
The truth of the matter is that I have a lot of other things going on with other sites that contribute a lot more towards my efforts to keep my bills paid these days. As a result, I just don’t have the time to be scouring the net for news to write about here.
That does not, however, mean that news is going to stop appearing here. I will do my best to post something I consider newsworthy once in a while, but more importantly, I have bigger plans for this site that won’t take up as much of my time once they are in place.
A while back, before the most recent site make-over, I indicated that I was going to transform this site into one that would help you find the classic rock information you were looking for and not focus much on original content. A while later, I decided to stay more focused on original content and managed to find the time to post here fairly regularly for a while.
Well guess what? Yes, I am going back in the other direction with some new features I am working on for this site that I think you will find very useful. I don’t want to say too much right now since some of these plans are still evolving, but I will says this:
Think up-to-date and automatically updated news feeds for your favorite classic rock bands. I also plan to add a feature that will give you access to the best classic rock info available on the net with some cool features that will cut through all the crap on the net that you don’t care about and take you straight to the stuff you do care about.
Hell, I might even add a classic rock store with classic rock CD’s and stuff. Probably through a partnership with Amazon, where I personally buy all my books and music.
That’s all I want to say about it right now. If any of this sounds like anything you give a damn about, check in here from time to time. I’ll post here as new features are turned on, so if you are watching the RSS feeds, you’ll hear about it.