Groups Scalping Tickets To Their Own Shows?
— January 7, 2008 9 20There is speculation that some well-known groups have been holding back when it comes to ticket distribution for the purpose of selling the tickets themselves at an inflated price. A practice widely known as scalping.
The most recent speculation is that classic rock act Bon Jovi has been engaging in this practice. The folks over at have reportedly noted that a block of Bon Jovi tickets was not offered for sale through normal channels like and were later offered for sale on TicketMaster’s TicketExchange website, some of them for very inflated prices.
The TicketExchange site is similar to where ticket holders can offer them for sale to anyone who may be interested in purchasing them.
TicketNews speculates that Bon Jovi, as well as other groups like Van Halen and Lynyrd Skynyrd are using this tactic to maximize revenue from their shows.
There is no talk of any proof that this is actually going on, but as TicketNews points out, there is a risk of backlash if something like this is in fact going on and fans find out about it.
I feel Bon Jovi have and are doing the crap on their beloved fans, the fans that put them where they are today. This, and the new Backstagejbj Fanclub which has proved it’s all about the money and not the fans (BJM suck. So guys, you’ve made your bed go lie in it, I and others will not be supporting you on the 2008 tour.
I won’t be supporting BJ on the UK 2008 tour because of the way the band is treating their fans. And the new BSJBJ fanclub now sucks too. It’s all about the money now guys.
“There is no talk of any proof that this is actually going on, but as TicketNews points out, there is a risk of backlash if something like this is in fact going on and fans find out about it.”
The backlash has begun.
Did you expect us to be happy about this news on this web site? Why delet negative comments. What sort of comments do you want?
What the hell are you talking about?
News is news and it is reported here. Whether or not you feel happy about it is up to you.
There have not been any comments deleted and I don’t know where you came up with that idea. If you entered an actual comment earlier and it did not show up it means I never saw it. Try again.
The only comments deleted here are blatant spam comments and stuff that is obviously pointless like the idiot the other day that wrote something like “Duh, did you just figure that out?” as his entire comment.
Soz, it must have been a glitch on the net. Thanks for the news.
No problem, Karl.
It was probably due to your comment being held for moderation. Like most blogs these days, all comments have to be approved before they show up. Otherwise the spammers would have a field day with it.
Sorry about the misunderstanding.
I think there are alot of people out there doing the very same thing. All you need to do is stand out side any venue and you see tons of people flogging of tickets for ridiculous prices and the same on ebay.
All I can suggest is if you want to go to a concert get in early to purchase your ticket.
Bon jovi are not alone in my opinion. I do however agree with an earlier comment about them regarding money.
But having said that I will still support them this year on their tour.
Wow, think of what would happen if sports teams tried that. Of course what happened in Colorado for the World Series tickets last year was nearly as bad. Now gets a cut of sales from so they are essentially double dipping on ticket prices.