On The Road With Rush’s Neil Peart
Neil Peart has long been one of my favorite drummers of all time, and consequently, I always find stories involving him to be of some interest. Thanks to the Rush fan site Power Windows, I was directed to this story that was posted on a BMW motorcycle forum by the fellow who wrote the short story that inspired Peart to write the lyrics to “Red Barchetta.”
The story includes a load of photos of Neil and the author, as well as lots of nice scenery that’s available to them as they team up on one of Peart’s infamous motorcycle trips that take him and his traveling companions from one concert venue to another.
This particular trip starts in Virginia with a destination near Pittsburgh, PA, where Rush is scheduled to perform their next show as part of their 2007 Snakes And Arrows Tour.
It’s a nice read and provides a few little insights about Peart’s personality and the kind of things he enjoys doing. He really sounds like a fun guy to hang around with.
Who knows? You may spot the Neil Peart tour bus on the road some day with its signature black motorcycle trailer attached at the rear if you keep your eyes open.