Real Rock Today: September 18, 2015


Keith Richards: ‘You don’t stop growing until they shovel the dirt in’

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There are few things in life that make you feel more pathetic than smoking an e-cigarette in front of Keith Richards. I know this because I’m puffing on one when he sways into his suite at the Savoy in central London, looking, I’m delighted to report, like a caricature of Keith Richards come to life. Smouldering Marlboro in one hand, glass in the other, shirt open, tight black jeans encasing legs so skinny you wonder how they support the rest of him, slight though the rest of him is. For all that people go on about the wrinkles on his face, Richards’ physique is a walking advert for the benefits of a diet he claims is largely composed of “meat and potatoes”, vodka and orange, and nicotine: “No, I don’t work out. No, no, no. I mean, I pick up those things” – he mimes lifting a dumbbell – “and go: ‘God, that’s too heavy.’ Then put them down.”

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Scorpions release previously unheard demo track from ‘Blackout’

The song was originally recorded during 1982’s ‘Blackout’ album sessions and is described as, “a rare piece from the band’s heaviest era” that “thrills with a classic Scorpions guitar riff on a groovy backbeat and shows why Klaus Meine is one of the best singers in heavy rock.”

“a rare piece from the band’s heaviest era” that “thrills with a classic Scorpions guitar riff on a groovy backbeat and shows why Klaus Meine is one of the best singers in heavy rock.”

It’s been released for the first time as Scorpions prepare to reissue eight of their classic albums in celebration of their 50th anniversary. The reissue program, covering the 1977 – 1988 era of the band, will see the band releasing remastered versions of ‘Taken By Force’ (1977), ‘Tokyo Tapes’ (1978), ‘Lovedrive’ (1979), ‘Animal Magnetism’ (1980), ‘Blackout’ (1982), ‘Love At First Sting’ (1984), ‘World Wide Live’ (1985) and ‘Savage Amusement’ (1988).

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Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters blasts boybands: We don’t need no One Direction

Pink Floyd co-founder and lyricist Roger Waters has criticised One Direction in an attack on the state of the music industry.

Speaking to the Press Association about his concert film Roger Waters The Wall, the 72-year-old dismissed the musical output of the band who finished third during the 2010 run of ITV’s hit talent series The X Factor.

“I’ve never heard One Direction and I never will,” he said. “I don’t listen to pop music, by and large, I’m not interested in it. I’ve certainly never been interested in Take That or boybands, whoever they are.

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Alice Cooper to narrate modern take on musical children’s classic

Rock legend ALICE COOPER is narrating and starring in a modern version of classic musical children’s tale PETER AND THE WOLF. The School’s Out hitmaker takes on the roles in both Peter and Wolf in Hollywood, a madcap take on composer Sergei Prokofiev’s children’s symphony about a young boy’s attempts to capture a feral beast.

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AC/DC delivers high-voltage throwback Thursday show in Winnipeg

Forecasts of a storm Thursday night only partially came true, but the 34,000 people at Investors Group Field were definitely still Thunderstruck.

The crowd was about as diverse as they come — little kids and their parents, couples, older kids and their senior parents — and all had the same excited aura about them. Winnipeggers have been waiting six years for AC/DC’s return, and the energy in the stadium was palpable.

Luckily, the rain didn’t last long enough to kill anyone’s buzz — by the time the five Aussies of AC/DC made it on stage, the ponchos had been shed, blinking red devil horns had been donned and everyone was ready to rock.

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