Geddy Talks About R30 And New Album Plans
Geddy Lee, lead vocalist (among other things) for Rush, recently talked to MTV about the band’s recently released double DVD set, R30 and their plans to begin work on a new album in the coming months.
In the interview, Lee talks a bit about the early days when he and guitarist Alex Lifeson once took on a job painting a movie theater to make some quick cash. Those, apparently, were the days before their fateful union with drummer and lyricist Neil Peart — the event that obviously changed the direction of the band rather dramatically and made their eventual success possible.
I have had the opportunity to hear the band’s first album that they recorded with their original drummer, John Rutsey, and, well, let’s just say it’s the only Rush album that isn’t part of my personal collection. It might be nice to have a copy for historical reasons, but really, that would be about it for me.
The interview didn’t reveal anything terribly new with regard to plans for the new album other than Geddy’s comments that they would like it to capture some of the “freshness and spontaneity” of Feedback, the album of cover songs that the band released during 2004.